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In Memory

Christine Zeller (Dunleavy)

Carol Ueland sent me this lovely tribute from Christine sister Cheryl Zeller Cameron '67 which will also appear in the Quarterly.. Surrounded by all of her four sisters ( including Cheryl Zeller Cameron '67 and Marilynn Zeller '81) and a beloved niece, Christine died peacefully at home on July 5, 2021. After a great deal of planning Christine had moved into her dream home in Eastern Village in Scarborough, Maine from Woodstock, VT in April 2020.  Investigating unusual fatigue, she was diagnosed with a rare and deadly cancer of the bile duct a few months later in August.  She was in and out of Maine Medical Center for nearly a year, having many good days among those that weren't so great.  One of her great joys during that time was a visit from her dear friends from her MHC days: Carol Culley Ueland, Claire Blackwell, Jeanne Oakson Robb and Liz Caroll Reilly - all of the class of 1969.

Christine was retired after several interesting careers.  She started out as an analyst on Wall Street,  co-founded a paint importing business, Fine Paints of Europe in Woodstock, VT, and ended up as a kitchen designer, working for Crown Point Cabinetry.
Christine pursued a number of interests  - travel, gourmet cooking, good wines, water color painting, photography,  mastiffs (3, sequentially) and her extended family.  She was married twice but did not have children, so she was particularly close to her sisters and to a few very special friends.   She was well-loved and died with a heart full of gratitude. 
Carol, Jeanne Oakson Robb, Liz Carroll Reilly and Claire Blackwell and I, all '69 , visited Chris in late April and plan to put pictures on their sites.