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In Memory

Susan Hardy

By Ida Quakenbush Nystrum
It is with great sadness that I report the death of Susan Hardy on July 26. A little over a year ago, Susan
learned that she had Plasma Cell Leukemia, a rare and aggressive form of the disease with a 0% survival
rate. She bore the news with grace and humor. Until only a month ago, she was joining the three times
weekly '69 Zoom chats that a group of us initiated at the beginning of the pandemic. Susan loved being
outdoors; we are so thankful that she was able to spend her last weeks in a final care facility where she
could spend time on the deck outside her room, listening to bird songs.. The Zoomers (Betsy Behrens
Garland, Jane McMahon Kennedy, Rosemary Sullivan Kimball, Trudy Levy, Margot Duyson
McCullers, Ida Quackenbush Nystrom, Christina Boben Orr-Cahall and Linda Stinchfield) recorded an
on-line celebration of Susan's life, with toasts and tributes featuring Susan's favorites -- chocolate and
white wine.

For those who would like to send notes to the family, please address them to Susan's brother and wife:

Don & Dorie Hardy -565 Cressida Dr -Hedgesville WV 2542
